headland|headlands in English


['head·land || 'hedlənd]

promontory, point of land jutting out into a body of water; strip of unplowed land at the end of a furrow or along a fence

Use "headland|headlands" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "headland|headlands" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "headland|headlands", or refer to the context using the word "headland|headlands" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sea and headland now grew dim.

2. In Europe it is most often recorded on headlands and islands.

3. On dune and headland sinks the fire.

4. A rocky headland jutted into the sea.

5. Little on the headland was private for long.

6. A coastline of 472 kilometers, multi headland and harbor.

7. That dark headland in the distance is Cape Washington.

8. The northern limit is defined as the great circle line between those two headlands.

9. Thus, he did not go between the two headlands leading into the harbor.

10. She would say that she wanted to walk alone on the headland.

11. The patio gave an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea.

12. Breakwaters can be placed attached to the shoreline as headlands or submerged near the shoreline as sills

13. The headland of this hilly range is unforgettable in its grace and beauty.

14. Cape Cretin, a headland on the Huon peninsula in Papua New Guinea; People

15. He could not now imagine life on the headland without either of them.

16. 9 The patio gave an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea.

17. The striking entrance from the Pacific Ocean is through two precipitous headlands—North Head and South Head.

18. It really deserves a more romantic name, Plockton meaning the town on the headland.

19. The west coast is more rugged than the east, with numerous islands, peninsulas, headlands and bays.

20. The Istrian Peninsula has a rugged coastline of pine-clad headlands between innumerable bays and inlets.

21. On this hypothesis the spits both start from their respective headlands and converge towards the centre of the bay.

22. Cape Vega is a headland located a little to the west of Cape Chelyuskin.

23. A steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or headland.

24. The formation of the Burleigh headland began between 23 and 25 million years ago.

25. Seven miles of sandy beach stretch from Burnham-on-Sea to Brean Down headland.